Configuring Argon

Table of Contents


By default, Argon looks for a configuration file called $HOME/argon.ini, but you can specify an alternate configuration file as the first command-line argument.

The high-level structure of the configuration is the INI format. An INI file is a set of sections, where each section contains a set of key-value pairs:

[some section]
foo = bar
baz = quux

Some keys and values have additional syntactic structure which is understood by Argon, as you will see below. Unfortunately, the current parser is a bit slapdash, so these rules are often rather rigid. I intend to eventually replace the parser with a better one which will offer improved error messages and a less rigid syntax. I’m not going to guarantee that future formats will be backward-compatible, but they will be similar.

Tables, Layouts, and Spaces

Tables, layouts, and spaces are used to define your tiles.


A table is a grid of columns and rows, where the height of each column and the width of each row are given in pixels.

A table looks like this:

[table foo]
cols = 320 320
rows = 240 240


A layout is a way of arranging tiles on a table. Each tile is given by the column and row of the upper-left table cell it covers as well as the number of table cells it spans across and down.

A layout looks like this:

[layout bar]
table = foo
tile0 = 0 0 1 1
tile1 = 1 0 1 2
tile2 = 0 1 1 1

The four integers which describe a tile are the column, row, column span, and row span, respectively.


A space (short for “workspace” and also known as a “virtual desktop”) is an instantiation of a layout. If two spaces use the same layout, they will have identically-arranged tiles, but each space nonetheless has a distinct set of tiles. Each space also defines which tile should have the focus initially.

Each table, layout, tile, and space has a name, and their namespaces are distinct. Furthermore, the tiles of each space are in distinct namespaces.

A space looks like this:

[space baz]
layout = bar
start = tile2

Each space also has a layer of floating windows above its tiles. These layers are generally treated like tiles.


Commands may be executed in two ways: by pressing some key or combination of keys bound to a command, or by the occurrence of an event for which a trigger is defined.

Tile Queries

A tile query is a description of a set of tiles. Tile queries may depend on the runtime state of Argon, so they are evaluated every time they are used. Certain commands require tile queries as arguments.

hist-backThe previously-focused tile
hist-fwdThe tile from which the focus previously went back
dir-upThe tile above
dir-downThe tile below
dir-leftThe tile to the left
dir-rightThe tile to the right
foo/barTile bar on space foo (see below)
Q RUnion of results of queries Q and R
Q - RSet difference of results of queries Q and R
emptiest: QThe results of query Q sorted by emptiness

The foo/bar syntax for referencing a particular tile also supports certain wildcards:

WildcardAs a spaceAs a tile
+All except the floating “tile”
^The floating “tile”

List of Commands

First, the syntax of the syntax:

TQA tile query
(A B)A sequence of arguments
[A B]A sequence of optional arguments
{A B}A set of Boolean flags which may be given in any order
A ...A sequence of any number of A arguments

And here are the actual commands:

move [TQ] TQ {broad deep}Move windows (see below)
focus TQMove the focus to the first query result
exec PROGRAM ARG ...Execute a program with arguments
seq COMMAND (; COMMAND) ...Execute a sequence of commands (see below)
enable_keys KEYS ...Enable some keybinding groups (see below)
disable_keys KEYS ...Disable some keybinding groups (see below)
show_floatShow the floating layer of the current space
hide_floatHide the floating layer of the current space
quitQuit Argon
killKill the client owning the focused window
deleteDelete (close) the focused window
next_winFocus the next window in the same tile
prev_winFocus the previous window in the same tile
space_menuDisplay a menu of all spaces (see below)

The move Command

The move command moves windows. It is complex and powerful, but intended to be simple in the most common cases. For example, move dir-right moves the currently-focused window one tile to the right. Read on if you want a complete specification of the behavior of move.

The default for the first tile query, which identifies the source, is ./. (the current tile). The second tile query identifies the destination.

If the broad flag is given, then windows are moved from all tiles selected by the first query. Otherwise, windows are only moved from the first tile thus selected.

If the deep flag is given, then all windows in the selected tiles are moved. Otherwise, only the top window from each selected tile is moved.

The seq Command

Each semicolon which separates arguments to seq must be surrounded on both sides with whitespace.

The space_menu Command

The space_menu command pops up a menu of all your spaces, and then switches to the space you select. You must have dmenu on your execution path to use this command.

I intend to eliminate this command in the future once I have implemented certain other features that will make it redundant. It exists for now because I need it.


Keybindings are organized into groups. Each group may be enabled and disabled independently of the others using the enable_keys and disable_keys commands described above.

A group of keybindings is described by a section in the configuration like this:

[keys foo]
C 1 x = delete
F2 = next_win

A key to bind is described by listing the modifier keys which must be held down, followed by the key to hit. The supported modifiers are:

1Mod1 (typically Alt)
4Mod4 (typically Windows/Super)

If you aren’t sure what keys are mapped to these modifiers, run xmodmap to get a listing.

The final key of each binding is parsed by the X server in the standard way. A list of these keys can probably be found in /usr/include/X11/keysymdef.h. You can also determine information about a key by running xev from the console, pressing the key, and looking at the console output.

The global Section

Every configuration must have a global section which specifies two important defaults:

start = some_space
start_keys = some groups of keys


A trigger is a binding of an event that may occur at runtime to a command. A keybinding could be seen as a particular kind of trigger, although the implementation doesn’t regard them that way just yet. Only a few triggers are currently supported.

on ready

The on ready trigger goes in the global section. It executes once after Argon is ready to manage windows.

on ready = exec /home/karl/.argon.ready

on enter

The on enter trigger goes in a space section. It has two variants: one executes when that space gains the focus from some other space. The other specifies a particular tile and executes whenever that tile gains the focus.

[space foo]
on enter = enable_keys foo_keys
on enter some_tile = exec xterm


An attraction causes new windows matching a certain description to be placed in a tile defined by the attraction rather than the current tile.

Each attraction has its own section. The key-value pairs in that section specify the description to match against. The tile key is special: it specifies a tile query that says where the new window should go.

Attractions may, like keybindings, be seen as specialized triggers, although the implementation does not yet reflect this.

Here is an example:

[attract t]
name = foo
class = bar
role = baz
transient = no
tile = emptiest: any/where but/here

Now, a more rigorous description of each key:

nameAn exact match against the WM_NAME property
classAn exact match against the WM_CLASS property
roleAn exact match against the WM_WINDOW_ROLE property
transientyes or no, matching whether the window is a transient
tileA tile query that says where the windows go